More information is now known about the Satellite Hospital to be built at Weinam Creek.
Member for Redlands, Kim Richards, has forwarded the Friendly Bay Islander information and the the exact outcomes for the project.
The address of the site is 22-28 Meissner Street, Redland Bay, which happens to the current location of gravel surface parking for island cars at Redland Bay.
The site is located within the Weinam Creek Priority Development area and is 1.4 hectares in size.
The formal public engagement phase is now underway from September to the end of October.
All the development processes will be completed by the end of November.
Construction is scheduled to start next January 2022 and will continue for just over 12 months.
The hospital is expected to be ready for occupation and operational in early 2023.
Facilities and services at the Satellite Hospital are still yet to be determined.
Kim Richards told The Friendly Bay Islander some of the potential opportunities for services that could be provided.
“But the services to be provided are not limited to and will form part of a consultation process: chemotherapy, complex wound management, renal dialysis, treatment of minor injuries and illnesses, mental health services, diabetes and oral health.
“It will be good to hear from the community on the hospital services they believe are most needed,” the Member for Redlands said.
• The exact location of the new Satellite Hospital
Worst idea - every hospital I go to has parking issues, so why put it on the waterfront where the islanders already have parking problems?