The Russell Island RSL Sub Branch is looking at a number of options that could see a ‘re-opening’ in the coming weeks and months.
The sub branch has three options that are possibilities, but cannot reveal them at this stage due to current negotiations.
President Keith Velleman says all three options could be viable, “but we need more information before we can make a final decision”.
He said it was ‘preferable’ if the club could re-open in its own right, “but we won’t know until we get the information required”.
The recently-appointed and properly elected board of the sub branch has a reasonably accurate assessment of the club’s position.
“We are thinking forward, and not backward. It is about the future and getting the club back up and running and providing the proper support and services for returned servicemen and women.
“There is not a lot we can do about the past at this stage, but we can keep working on the future, and that is to get the Russell Island RSL Club re-opened,” Keith Vellman said.
It is believed the Russell Island community are prepared to get behind the sub branch and club opening, when and if that happens.
Due to popular demand and island interest, the Russell Island swimming pool’s operating hours have been extended by Redland City Council.
The pool was due to close on the 18th April for the annual 2022 winter lay-off period.
After lobbying from the Bay Islands Aqua Group, council extended the season till the 18th May.
Up until the May 18 date, swimmers can use the pool from 6am to 8am, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
RCC extended the pool season to give regular swimmers and aqua aerobics participants up to 12 sessions of two hours three days of the week.
The move by the council was welcomed by the aqua group members.
Keen swimmer Jeanette Adams says the additional time to the swim season has been a ‘great success’ and has been ‘really appreciated’ by island swimmers.
“This has been great news for us.
“The season time extension has enabled the Aqua Aerobics people to continue exercising and the Master’s swimmers to continue their training for upcoming competitions.
“Others have been swimming just to enjoy,” Jeanette added.
The Russell Island pool (Bay Islands Aquatic Centre) is due to reopen at the start of the September school holidays. The pool is currently closed.

• Recent activity at the Russell Island Pool.