Island residents are on the lookout for people involved with recent dog poisonings, particularly on Russell Island.
So far six dogs have been known to be killed from poisoned food thrown over the property fence.
And it is likely that the death toll is much higher than that.
Pet lover,Trish Harris, is one of the many who have lost their beloved dog, and she has started a campaign to make islanders aware and to keep a watch out for any suspicious activity.
So much so that she has started an island petition campaign designed for authorities to take immediate action to find the culprits.
She already has hundreds of signatures from island residents obtained from a special signing day at Jock Kennedy Park and the Russell Island Shopping Centre.
The petition ‘demands action be taken against the baiters’ which has impacted not only pet animals, but wildlife as well. It includes all the SMB Island group.
Large numbers have turned out to support the campaign.
One resident told The Friendly Bay Islander that he had seen two suspicious people throwing items into a back yard.
He discovered it was mince meat blended with rat poison, which is extremely toxic.
He said he had advised Russell Island police of what he had seen.
Trish Harris said all island pet lovers have been concerned and fearful for their pets.
“We want the police and council officers to look into the poisoning as quickly as possible, and to investigate and prosecute where necessary,” she told The Friendly Bay Islander.