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the Breeze

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BELLA CURLEW AND OUTSTANDING YOUNG ARTIST MAKING HER MARK Bella Curlew is a special young lady. Just 19 years of age, she is producing some exquisite artwork across several mediums. And it is all to see at the Russell Island Community Arts The Farm Gallery at the present time. Bella is also ’special’ for other aspects of her life. As well as being an artist, she has qualified as an island animal carer, particularly island bird life. A wonderful group of art lovers, fellow artists and supporters turned out for her recent first solo "Native Birds Exhibition at the Russell Island gallery. It was ironic whilst a big crowd had turned up for her first major exhibition, Bella kept leaving the enthusiastic group of supporters to attend to another matter in an adjoining room. You see, as an island wildlife carer, she had taken on the task of caring for a small orphan bird that had been placed in her care. Every half hour or so, she had to go and attend to the small bird and feed it with a special menu that she had prepared. And we have to say the small bird was enthusiastic at each of Bella’s food feeding visits. Out at the busy exhibition, fellow artist and man of imagination, Bob Turner, did his best to introduce Bella’s unique art to the big crowd. An unassuming Bella seems a little unaware just how unique her artistic skills are. She had worked really hard painting and making some stunning pottery pieces. These are outstanding and so life-like. But there are also her artwork paintings as well, with birds again to the fore. Bob Turner believes Bella is truly ‘gifted’, and we agree. Call to RICARTS The Farm Gallery on Russell Island to see her exhibition. By the way, Bella Curlew's People's Choice pic. most votes was for her pottery piece Bush Stone Curlew Family - with the adult and chics. There were 133 votes cast in all with $305 being raised - going to Bella to help look after her rescue birds. The $100 random pic was won by Chris Bowman

• Bella Curlew feeding her small feathered friend

• Bella with some of her unique bird pottery artworks



© the breeze 0423 229 739

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