STRADDIE ARTS TRAIL LAUNCH OUTSTANDING SUCCESS The 2022 Straddie Winter Arts Trail launched recently, has been an outstanding success. The island event attracted art lovers and visitors from near and far. Redland City Council sponsored the important event that will not only showcases the work of talented and local artists, but also boost the Redlands Coast economy. $12,000 was provided from the Village Events and Activation Grant and $3000 from the Mayor and Councillor Community Benefit Fund Program. Many hard-working volunteers also made this art trail a huge success. The three townships of Dunwich (Goompi), Amity Point (Pulan) and Point Lookout (Mulumba) all participated and the event featured more than 50 artists, including painters, ceramicists, a blacksmith, weavers, silversmiths, jewellers and fabric and graphic designers. Straddie Arts Trail Steering Committee Chair Penny Gillespie said the arts trial has played a major role in ‘rebooting’ the creative island after two years of uncertainty. “The funding and the arts trail initiative has provided a welcome opportunity to create pop-up galleries on the arts trails that showcased the work of several artists from our community,” Ms Gillespie said. One of the events was the Dabil|Water exhibition at the Dunwich Community Hall, which welcomed visitors to the island and presented pieces reflecting and responding to the Goompi foreshore and other waters of Minjerribah. The exhibition also hosted the launch of the Quandamooka Country: Goompi Foreshore, a debut film highlighting the connection to Quandamooka Country across generations. To find out more and view the arts trail, visit the I Am Straddie website.
