Many island homes have the popular static Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES) septic system installed in their homes.
The AES system is one of the few systems that is a duplicate the ‘traditional’ septic system that has been used throughout Australia for generations, but utilising the latest materials.
Many owners have contacted The Friendly Bay Islander who have been left in a ’quandry’ as to validity of the systems they have on order.
It was believed by many that Redland City Council had placed a ‘ban’ on the AES product.
Some research by the FBI has revealed that a ‘ban’ by council is not the case.
A spokesperson for AES, based at Noosaville, has advised that the current situation is a State Government issue.
The Queensland State Government introduced new legislation that requires all brands of septic systems to be approved for installation, but only after completing a two-year testing program.
AES has almost completed the testing process.
AES believes the testing of their system is ‘going well’.
In the meantime, because of the progress in the testing process, AES has applied for an ‘exemption’ that will allow their systems to still be sold to the public.
We have been advised that the State Government has now granted the ‘exemption’.
Which mean AES systems can now be installed, sold or supplied.
The ‘exemption’ period ends on June 30, 2024.
By that time AES believes their system will be fully approved by the Queensland State Government for use right throughout Queensland.
The AES system is currently fully approved for several other States in Australia.
The testing process has been an expensive one, costing in the vicinity of $100,000.
A spokesman for Advanced Enviro-Septic told The Friendly Bay Islander: “We are not leaving; we are not shutting up shop (as some others have done); we are here for the long haul.
“We look forward to continue supply your islands with our popular system, and we are delighted with the recent ‘ State Government ‘exemption’.