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Redland City Council will extend community consultation on the Draft Redlands Coast Transport Strategy to 1 March 2019, giving the State Government the chance to join them in on the ground engagement to seek community feedback on its own Draft Regional Transport Plan.

Mayor Karen Williams said extending the closing date for community engagement would give the community the opportunity to ask questions and receive face to face feedback on Council and the State’s draft transport strategies together.

“Transport is one of the most important issues for Redlands Coast, and delivering Council’s transport strategy is highly dependent on the State’s transport network,” Cr Williams said.

“As such, it is vital the community has the chance to comment on much-needed State projects, such as upgrades to State-controlled roads, the Eastern Busway and duplication of the Cleveland rail line and see how these yet to be delivered State projects would alleviate local transport issues.

“Council has been out on the ground engaging with residents on our draft transport strategy, speaking with more than 3,000 people already through pop up sessions and intercept surveys, which we know are a great way to get genuine feedback.

“Council officers have indicated that much of the feedback received during this time relates to State Government transport responsibilities, such as State-controlled roads and public transport.

“Council would love to see the State Government adopt a similar on the ground style of engagement so residents can speak with them face to face and ask about the projects we desperately need on Redlands Coast.

“This decision gives them that opportunity and I have written to the Minister to request that he and State officers stand shoulder to shoulder with Council at these engagement opportunities to speak with residents.”

Cr Williams said there remained a deficit in State transport infrastructure on Redlands Coast, making it even more critical for the community to have their say on the Draft Regional Transport Plan.

“The State’s draft transport plan does not make any firm commitments with respect to upgrading State transport infrastructure, so people need to be able to speak directly with the State Government to explain why this infrastructure is important to our community,” she said.

“The best way to do that is on the ground, here in the city, with Council on hand to answer questions about our draft transport strategy.

“One action that is included in the State’s Draft Regional Transport Plan is a commitment to working with Council to deliver a multi-modal local transport strategy for the city.

“The best and quickest way to achieve this action is to take up our invitation to join us in on the ground engagement during the extended consultation period.”

Cr Williams said Council would also make a formal submission to the State Government’s Draft Regional Transport Plan by 1 March, 2019.

“This extended consultation period also gives the Redlands Coast community a chance to have a say on what should be included in that submission,” she said.

Visit Council’s website for information on the Draft Redlands Coast Transport Strategy


For details of the State’s Draft Regional Transport Plan, visit the Department of Transport and Main Roads website



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