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It is believed to be the very first time that the Director General of Education has ever visited Russell Island State School, or any school on our islands for that matter.

The Director General of Education Queensland, Dr Jm Waterston, was appropriately on hand for a ‘burial’, of sorts.

Fortunately, it was a very happy affair!

The ‘burial’ was for the Time Capsule that the Russell Island State School has put together to mark the school's 100th anniversary that was celebrated in October of last year.

The capsule contains considerable information, including a copy of the October edition of your Friendly Bay Islander which contained a special feature we produced to mark the 100th anniversary, which included much of the school’s history in its first 100 years.

It is not known when future generations may actually open the time capsule. It could be in 25, 50 or 100 years’ time. We hope it is 100 years!

This time around the time capsule should be easily found. Time capsules buried at the school by previous generations have never been found because they were never clearly identified.

This time, the capsule should be easy to find by future generations. It is clearly marked by a plaque on the school grounds and the GPS co-ordinates will be recorded in school records, the internet, and probably a ‘cloud’ or two!

There will also be pictures of the Director of Queensland Education, Dr Waterston, burying the capsule in future school historical files, as well.

The Director General brought a host of other dignitaries with him for the capsule event including South East Regional Director, John Norfolk, Cr Mark Edwards, P and C representatives, and school sponsors.

A number of local businesses including the Russell Island RSL sub branch and Ray White Real Estate, Don Frost Russell Island Pharmacy, Richard and April Pollard, The Kiosk, Bay Island Kids, Loveable Pets, Bay Islands Info, BICS, John Broad, and 2016 & 2017 School Fun Run students contributed to the Cool the School project which has seen air conditioning installed in all classrooms.

A stunning $28,000 was raised by the local community, other students, families and community members for this purpose.

The ceremony and addresses were held in front of the entire school, with leading students showing the way with an excellent presentation and introductions involving Dawn, Kaitlyn, Jewel, Maddie, Shavonne.

There were addresses by Dr Watterston, principal Janet Tucker, P and C president Thomas Wickstead, and past student and former teacher Janet Jenner whose family links go back to the first days of the Russell Island State School.

Dr Watterston made a day of it at the school, visiting each of the classrooms, and then enjoying a tour of the island in the Russell Island Fire Brigade engine.

• Director General of Education Queensland, Dr Jim Watterston, burying the capsule.





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