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There are some major alterations and improvements coming to the Russell Island RSL Club.

Walls are being removed to make way for a totally new, state-of-the-art gaming centre.

It is being installed by UBET and will be to the latest modern style.

The walls between the existing TAB and the exterior covered area will be removed and a whole new facility constructed.

When complete, it will feature a luxurious lounge with tiered seating overlooking banks of televisions that will feature sporting coverage on multiple screens and betting information.

“This will be something special for the islands and the club,”Anthony Gleeson said.

“To have a facility built here that will match the best there possibly is, will be a huge boost for the club.”

The existing TAB area will be turned into a new lounge area.

“The work is going to be quite extensive,” says RSL Sub Branch president Anthony Gleeson.

The new lounge area is required because of the rapidly expanding club membership and need for improved facilities.

All of this work follows on from major works last year that saw more than $100,000 spent on upgrading toilet and bathroom facilities at the club.

There are further plans in the ‘pipeline’ that will see the Russell Island RSL Club upgraded and improved as funds are available.

“Our aim is to provide the best possible club and community facilities for the people of Russell Island and, in fact, all our islands,” Anthony Gleeson said.

The Russell Island RSL Sub Branch held its Annual General Meeting on Sunday, March 26.

Anthony Gleeson was again elected President for his 3rd term.

“I am continuing on because when I started out as president, I knew there was a large job to be done.

“We have made some great strides, but there is still more work to do.

“I am happy that the club is now in a much stronger financial position and major projects and improvements are underway.

“I would like to lead the club to a position of strength and future long-term stability in a facility that is second-to-none for the islands and our future,” the Club President said.

He added, the new directions and improvements could not have been achieved were it not for the enormous work undertaken by members of his committee and some ‘wonderful volunteers’.

“This is about the RSL and the services that are required for former and serving, service men and women, into the future.”

The New committee is: Secretary Doreen Schmiechel, Treasurer John Morrison, Sub Branch Representatives, Ron Oliver and Bob Warren and Club Representatives, Graham Liefels and Peter MacLaughlin.

This is how the new gaming area will look


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