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the Breeze

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Well known Coochie ferry service skipper Gary “Gazza” Sheehy (pictured) always has his trusty DSLR camera handy as he plies the strait between the island and Victoria Point several days a week.

Gary has developed a keen interest in photography in recent years and specialises in the abundant birdlife found in the vicinity of Coochiemudlo Island and Victoria Point. His job as a ferry skipper makes him likely to be on the spot should a rare bird show up for photo opportunity. This is one of his closeup photos of a local pelican.

Gary and a fellow islander shutterbugs have been producing a pictorial calendar in recent years and sales have been brisk with the proceeds going to island community groups such as the ambulance first responders who on call 24 hours a day in cases of emergencies.

• Skipper Gary at the wheel!


© the breeze 0423 229 739

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