• Andrea Wright (centre) with a host of volunteers including John from JSB

The Russell Island State School is to get a new playground, thanks to a $35,000 grant from the Queensland Government Gambling Community Benefit Fund.
The grant has been made to the Russell Island State School P&C Association.
Club president, Andrea Wright, told The Friendly Bay Islander the association is “proud to have received the $35,000”.
The grant will be used for the purchase and installation of a new Prep playground at the school.
A working bee was recently organised to remove the old playground and prepare the area with drainage and levelling in readiness for the new playground equipment to be installed over the school holidays.
Other tasks involving general tidying and maintenance of the school grounds were also carried out with the P&C providing a free sausage sizzle and drinks.
There was a wonderful turnout of parents, families and businesses for the working bee.
The P&C declared a big ‘thank you’ to island earth-movers John Bonett of JSB's Contractors & Earthmoving and Tim Williamson of BTW Earthmover's & Equipment for levelling out the site, clearing and preparation.
Andrea Wright said: “We would also like to thank parties that donated to our cause; Jacqui at Canaipa Nursery for the beautiful native plants; Stradbroke Ferries for the voucher for the ute and trailer to deliver the new playground equipment during the holidays, and Bunnings at Victoria Point for the lovely selection of paints to help brighten the remaining wooden fixtures.
“Without all these volunteers that came on the day, our venture could not have begun,” the P&C president said.