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Macleay Island State School Supports Zero Tolerance

The Macleay Island State School wishes to be part of the Zero Tolerance program that was recently launched by The Friendly Bay Islander in association with the Bay Islands Chamber of Commerce.

The school asked to be included in the campaign and Zero Tolerance - Bad Language; Bad Behaviour ARe Not Acceptable signs are now placed around the school complex.

School principal, Gaynor Brennan, says the Zero Tolerance program reinforces many of the principles already in place within their school-wide Positive Behaviour program.

The Macleay Island State School has for some time promoted its Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner program.

"We encourage good behaviour here, and the Zero Tolerance message is in step with our philosophy," she said.

The school captains are clearly behind the message, giving support to being respectful.

Nell Keid and Trinity Millar are giving a lead to the rest of the school community in leadership and direction.

They are pictured with the Zero Tolerance poster.


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